The 제주국립박물관 Jeju National Museum has a fantastic collection of well-displayed artifacts. The display panels are all in English, Chinese and Japanese. You can take an online virtual reality tour of special exhibitions on their website – the information panels are in English. Visit their Instagram or Facebook page to see images and read about Jeju culture and history in English – the posts are titled Q&A for the Curious about Jeju. Images of artifacts in their collection with descriptions in Korean are also available on their website.
The displays at the 제주민속자연사박물관 Folklore and Natural History Museum, run by the provincial government, are in English, Chinese and Japanese. Their website has images of all the artifacts in their collection with descriptions in Korean.
The 제주돌문화공원 Jeju Stone Park is a beautiful place to visit. It has information about the myths of the island, publishes books on the stone culture of Jeju and offers educational programs.
The 제주민속촌 Jeju Folk Village in Seogwipo is well worth the visit, despite the scarcity of information in English.
The 해녀박물관 Haenyeo Museum has freely accessible Korean-languages e-books with lots of pictures and information about Jeju’s women divers. For information about opening hours and how to get there, visit the Korea Tourism Organization webpage.
The 제주4.3평화기념관 Jeju 4.3 Peace Park was built to pay tribute to victims, promote mutual reconciliation and growth, and encourage peace, human rights and education. The exhibitions have information in English.
The 한화 아쿠아플라넷 제주 Hanhwa Aqua Planet Jeju is worth a visit to see Jeju’s sea creatures up close. Their English website is useless, so check the Korea Tourism Organization‘s webpage for information about opening hours.
Research Centers
The 제주한연구센터 Jeju Studies Research Center’s archive has thousands of freely accessible articles and books in Korean.
The 탐라문화연구소 Research Institute for the Tamla Culture at 제주대학교 Jeju National University publishes books and a journal on Jeju studies in Korean.
The 제주신화연구소 leads walking tours to sites connected to the myths of Jeju and has pictures, information and links to articles about shrines and myths on their website.